Monday, December 28, 2009

Sample Comments On Career Aspirations

And because we're friends!

There's nothing like a friend ... really do not know if men are such stalwarts as women, but really, despite serious case that we are among ourselves, when we "the woman" or "women" to be our friends if we are something special. While we

dangerous among us and many times we should be careful what you say watch some of our gender, when we are friends, for us is as strong as a symbol of brotherhood. That is another topic ... if true bien dicen que no se eligen ni a los hermanos ni a los padres ni a nadie de la familia excepto a tu pareja, yo adicionaría a las amigas ;son algo más que eliges y que forma parte de tu familia, porque aunque no se tenga ni la mínima gota de sangre "igual", los lazos llegan a ser an grandes que muchas veces superan a los que de verdad son compartidos como en el caso de los hermanos o padres.

Y es que, hay casos en donde de plano la familia, y no sólo hablando de padres y hermanos, si no ya agregando a familias "parientes" como primo(a)s, tío(a)s, sobrino(a)s, etc, nada más no genera esos lazos de afecto, lazos de verdad fuertes, no cosas como la cotidianidad o la rutina de los domingos familiares or special parties where you can not miss or gifts or things like forced, if not actually creating a loop in which family members really love, want, and above all known ...
know many cases where it does not even know your cousin or you like? or if you have a boyfriend, if you like dancing or singing? or if it goes wrong in history? ... just know that chemical studies, living "to coexist" but nothing more ... or go out together, nor frequent, nor care for each other, just live " by encimita "Therefore, it is the family and because parents say: " should look and be together and then all Sundays and holidays have to meet, because they have no one but his family in the world if it fails (the parents) " ... by God that serves see their faces every Sunday or every holiday and every birthday , or whatever anyway if there is no real tie to stay firm on their parents die? ... really sacrifice your Sunday and other days to be with your "family" or know? ... I do not think ...

What about friends? with it there is nothing forced, compulsory, daily, not with her because things are going to be related to something, they have things in common, and can only be a couple, even to be completely different, but it does not matter, it is as complementary, as they rest, as they help, as we know so well that you know when the other needs, no need to shout "I need you, but sometimes you need to do, she knows and is there and not you see every day, even months can pass without seeing but you know when she needs you or you will need it, not by obligation, not, but because we have the need to see, to feel good, to support you, to hug and give you many times, that your family is not found or may not find ...

Whether you are single and married her or vice versa, it's not even care about the marital status that have ... there's always time for friends, always there is space, there is always love, always give you a smile or a word of encouragement or even the shock or that big hug ... You can talk and mourn for nonsense and the second to be killed in such nonsense laugh ... those are the friends, the sisters who gave you, but you chose ... cherish, frecuéntalas, do not leave ... not things that really make no sense, what you really grown fruits will not that push you to grow when not even the land is fertile ...

Dedicated to all my friends: The master friends, to each and every one of you, thanks for being, and sometimes not to be, and mourn, to cry, to laugh, to scold, to love, to embrace, by playing, dancing, ... just be my friends ...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Does Shingles Cause Dementia

have or have children ... Abortion

it be true that women are made to have children? and who do not have is not 100% happy? Definitivmaente
not know about you, but I wholeheartedly support those who say "do not want children" but I really feel that this is the result of things that have lived and performed to block his head and his heart something as beautiful as the joy of motherhood.

Why do I say?, Rather say, why you think that today do not want to have children?, Could ensure that with any of the following circumstances and if not, but really it is not, then I would ask you to give me a comment in order to understand this position, but without masks, being 100% honest.

1. Acts "traumatic" with the family. The brothers (as) or parents. Situations that do not like each parent and child or between siblings. Even cases that are the most or the "middle" and you get to care for the brother or younger siblings, which many times turn out to be "the trough", ie it takes a number of years so important is for you to change diapers, give bottle, bathe, change, give medicine, etc., all the role of mother practically only that they are not. When this happens, you usually difficult to think about having children soon, trying to live a little more things according to your age and avoid taking care of your brothers, age very quickly within the meaning mother and the other part of you is still parked in adolescence total. A 2, or you have trouble or want to marry and marry! to run away from home and forget about being a mother of 2 children who are entering puberty "the most difficult age" . Peer, if you decide to get married or get out of your house, nothing is with the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving children, is never! is not for you ... or if it is but ... in about 5 years and are not sure.

2. Are still very young and very very lazy!. This very young I mean under 28 years old love your freedom and you love to be able to say that today you're here and elsewhere tomorrow, no problem alguno.Pero that not to have children, do not venture to insure , do not deny the possibility, not lock yourself into something where you hurt yourself later, it forces you, let it pass, the time comes and then, only then decide.

3. Tried by all means be a mother or find the man in your life to be, or maybe if you and leave you checked ... but ... you get the time and you step ... was more important to buy your house, your car, your travels, your profession, your stability professional and today ... there is no way to have children, you can not, failed. Then get in it attitude "bitter" and it really is ... and say "I? Children? Not for nothing! That horror! Care chamacos I from afar" , when if you had a few years younger but TODAY without hesitation to bet that experience ... Do not hurt yourself, do not invent, do not deny, do not try to jsutificar, had your time and let it go, you chose something else, now faces strong Just take the consequences , you're not a girl, you're a woman, do not be bitter or bitter, or you invent things that are not. note turn away people, Draw and live with them we decided not to take. Make it through your nephews, your grandchildren, children of friends, have fun today, so decided to have.

If you fell in any of these congratulations! not all born to be mothers and then if you are completely sure of it. good!

really is amazing being a mother, not everything is perfect, but ... what is?, sometimes as more imperfect is what we ... do not tell me you're afraid to disclose it? or changing diapers? ja by God! 've done worse things and do not have hard time when you want to do, or? and your imagination should give you all the answers to this question or not?, then scare you with a simple diaper change and that if you apply unveiled last 3 months?.

What if I say that the rewards will be 1,000,000,000 times the 30.000 changing diapers and 90 days without sleep run? and indeed fall short, but I could tell you many things ... yet no one from somebody else experience it? so I would recommend you decide to do it and live it more fully ... could bet your thereafter to ensure that there is nothing, nothing more beautiful than having a child.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Full South Park Episodes Via Quicktime

... Yes? Or not? Pink for October 2009

do please? , or against?, difficult and sensitive issue is not it?

More when we have a legalization of same does something back ... In be turned to political polemic.

And it definitely is a complicated issue ... there are many issues around ... not so easy to fix a position on it, especially when we have not been in this situation to see how possible abortion.

The point is not to judge or criticize anyone but I believe that this item is 100% female "provided that" woman is in a situción where it has been wronged or abandoned by their partner. Otherwise I think it is an issue which necessarily need to involve the partner and decide together. What is not so relevant is that it allows 12 weeks of pregnancy have someone ... of you is known as "the baby" at that time? ... is fully formed, and has a heart, and feel, it is ... a life ...
But what if they warn that hurts? abort?, what would you have?, in this case I really believe that the decision should be all our women ... with all responsibility that this entails, we must consider the guilt or remorse that might arise after this, even , so severe hormonal changes that may lead to depression and good life from this event ... do not think it as a "clean slate" truth?. We must become aware and once having this clear and being totally safe our decision to continue, whatever, abort or continue the pregnancy.

I love that this post will help open up a little picture of women who refuse to see beyond what they feel bad if you have been raped or ... not wanting to have your baby .. . if you really want an abortion do so, but as a favor, really I would ask you out before 8 weeks ... not later ...

On the other hand, is annoying seeing as there are people who believe they have quality control and moral enough to demonize the abortion ban or no matter the circumstances leading to this decision. how they can be as frugal and selfish!, What do we do with rape? I do not even take into account what kind of violation it is ... let's leave it at that ... rape ...

Inequality, poverty, rape, all this leads to many women have abortions ... and it's true, many, in a clandestine manner to tell ... some live, some are not. Not worth the risk so high ... increasingly young women have this problem and seeking a way out cheaply, hidden (where no one will know) ... I think they are worth taking better control of these cases, offer places with better disease control, security with the "doctors" who practice it, because doctors often do not even are ... well, not only prevent deaths of babies but also for women?

addition, you think that if pressed to a woman who does not want his son, who has ... get something? you care? you should believe it? ... unless you want your child to be imported?

If it was a girl who "watered" , irresponsibility or carelessness, the heat of the moment, etc ...

All this ends in unwanted children, abandoned, not only physically if not psychologically, it would be better not to bring the world?, Or perhaps you think that group homes or foundations or the congregations of nuns and other supporters in general are sufficient and serve to compensate for this damage?

life ... life is a touchy subject ... decide whether and how to live it live it now depends on us, but if you take someone with you that it is up to you to live or not ... did you decide?, what you choose instead? Think about it, but think again ...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Y. .. October is over, and I really wondered if the effort I did last year served a purpose to create a bit of consciousness about this item ...
I distributed several annual calendar where every month marked the review we we should make ourselves from our breasts, I have not even asked if any of the women who are handed out this calendar did. I can say I turned and now and I have another where I'm starting again this reivisión, and this is independent of my annual review (breast) with my gynecologist.
few days ago I had the opportunity to meet a woman who just fought the battle against this disease, breast cancer, not the saw on television or any foundation or anything like that, is a close friend if she did saved, other women who have had the opportunity to meet not been able to ...

I really wonder why we become so unaware? not assume that we are women and we have a little more "sense" or sensitivity to these things? then why do not we do it ourselves? with our body?, perhaps we do not want?, then why do we care about children, family, mom, sister, friend, etc ... and we do not?

do not know if you did something this past month, not by others for you, but if not, never mind, every day, every month is October regardless of whether or not you have the opportunity to give a time, some minutes check you, to touch, to feel, to love ... I leave this podcast, I hope to serve you, I did it with love I have for all women in the world, our gender and tireless Luchon, please, listen, do not get tired, do not give up, do not forget ...

a kiss, pink for october.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Why Do We Get Chill Blins

I can not have children ...

As time goes on we women ever leaving the issue of having children for the more distant future ... we do not know about changing diapers and give bottles, and good, let alone go on to miss the antrum, partying with friends and / or friends or even travel with the couple or aspire to a better job or a masters or graduate . However
would be worth evaluating which is more important to you ... although not all born to be mothers, or so say some ... I dare to tell them to wait a little longer to realize whether or not or it's just wanting to protect themselves from a society to look like "the executive" who has no time for these things because it is very important in their work.

With all this, we lose sight of the benefits of being a mother to a good age, what I mean by this? to have a child before age 30. Why? maybe think you are still young, but the reality is that if you do the math, we would be talking about at least, when your child is in the difficult stage of life when you most need your walk and passed your production stage as a woman ... it will cost you more work, and not only that, until you can run into menopause that far from supporting at that time could have significant drawbacks. Not only because this is important to have a child before age 30. A lot is happening to us or make us turn a blind eye or simply do not care to realize the reality that women now live. More and more breast cancer, cervical, and the chances increase if you have not had children at 30 years so as not to breastfeed and good, among many others, but they are as important. Even though if cunples with "all" the points that could "save" of these diseases are exposed and there are already several cases of these ...

muejres lately, I think we have devalued much chance to be mothers and we have changed the ambition that gives us "be better than them" without emabrgo not take into account that eventually "they" can have children after of 30, 35, of 40 without any problem!, of course, there are also implications for the nutrients in sperm are not the same, but your time is much greater than ours.
is unfortunate, I was touched to see cases in which both end up doing by taking care of enormous efforts to get pregnant, some have succeeded on the basis of much cosntancia, many treatments many tears and edges of divorce, others do not, others will step "train" and it is impossible for them to procreate ... now say they were not born to be mothers and they really do not care ... but ... that was the price they paid for their selfishness, unfortunately now there is nothing to do, and can not ... y. .. was worth working so hard I wonder?.

May you not this happens, it really is important to create awareness in all, although it's nice to be expected to have children when you have security, and other cool head, is really like, when you decide to marry or go live with someone can not be 100% secure, you just shove them because "I late ", you crave, you feel like it but of course also true insecurity and fear, is something new ... but believe me, the satisfaction of having put aside millions of opportunities otherwise, for this experience even once you really change your life.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Putting Floor In Small Aluminum Boat

"To my mother I love her ... away! Part 2"

The last post spoke about the mother, we said that when you're married or living with your partner and you find things "navel" either the mother of your husband and your husband to his "mommy" is something that unless you solve it from the start and then have a solution you think! not happen.

And it gets even better with the children from the time when you get pregnant and want "take care" to what you do not!. If you eat it, if not do much exercise, if the atolito, or the typical "when I was pregnant I used to ..."" I do not know why now say no, before that worked!" . Have a hard time understanding that we are in another century than that which they lived, now there are millions of different things, different experiences, all is nothing, no longer works atolito and stuff ... now works to keep good medical supervision and also follow the signs to take folic acid, balanced diet, pregnant for the first time before Even 30 years, etc, etc, which previously was not forced ...

to the hospital where you will give birth has to do because the lady where she recommends "relieved" with your doctor now, or is an old man or already passed away ...

But do not stop here, everything is worse when the baby is born! Now yes! if you decide to tapas or not, if you eat x or y, if for no teine \u200b\u200bmilk, if you do not want to take care of yourself and qNo gruel because they want to gain weight and want to watch your figure, as is possible, that before this did not pass, the first is the child, blah, blah, blah, blah ...
not want to say how you feel if you do not already have children and allow qeu your mother invade your space this way, if you end up alone in tatters after giving birth, now imagine after seeing and hearing all these things! or you'll get to mourn or just plain want to run out of room!

No single mother who does not get into this, at least not touched me know any, all and think the worst, if something does not seem, well, those you can imagine with their husbands, daughters, sisters , mothers, cousins \u200b\u200band even neighbors and friends telling how the daughter is able to do X or Y things.
Yes, it sounds scary, but trust me, if not solve the problem from the navel and your husband with his mother and his entire family what we discussed here will be nothing compared to the reality live.

honestly do not think it's no fun to live like that, however much you adore your partner get firm with him and talk.
Now, how to tell without being offended?, Simple, really simple, if you love and understand, sure can talk well before all this happens ... The key is that the talk is quiet, not upset you or much less expose it what you feel, what they want, what you want and let your family be clear "My family are just you and our children" and so should be yours, your mom, your dad and your brothers and are in 2nd plane, and it is not that wrong, it is! or simple, investigates the situation of his mother with his mother, this can serve a lot, you could even illustrate this case or any other close but please do NOT upset you, because if that happens you've lost everything, men do not understand the cries, they understand with caresses, with love. If you want everything to work well, do it well, you have control!.

And say, my family is you and our children, and everything that happens here belongs here and not your family or mine alternates have a place, this is our life and thus live and resolve.

Caution: do not compare offensive, I mean: "Go and John will pays attention to Ana, and go you or I peel, saw when he picked up the dishes?, and you not even you took the time to help with that! what a good husband is Juan, Ana must want it so much! . This is the worst! Apart from making you feel less assaulting your partner, your automestima low and clear, he responds with aggression side o. .. giving his mom ... EYE!

Think! If you want DO NOT let your husband that is separated by a third party, let alone by the mother or an alternative family, is the worst mistake not believe it, ruin your own for someone else?
BUT if you're sure your husband definitely NOT is the right person, this after analyzing anyone WITHOUT more opine, then take the next step ... but give it well and firmly.

Abused! There are millions of couples who are separated only by others, many for the mother, many others in the family in general ... and not because they do not love ... you really think it's worth? Apuéstale your life, your happiness and apuéstale Do not be!

I send you a big hug and all my support!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sample Letter For A Friend

My mother I love her ... away! Sola

It really is a torment to have a mother ... "nosy" or ... "Blackmailer" ... or would like to have stuck with her son telling him where to go and report to each step he takes.

While we should separate: The mother, mother who is not "formal" because we still brides of the mother that it is official what is worse? Who gives opinions? Let's start with

the first: it is not official.
worst that can happen is when you have no taste or susto to know personally, all I know is that it is a woman who cares for her sons as anyone, you know, all careful with them: They makes breakfast, I arranged her clothes, is aware of your things, friends, etc. and well, and even as an only child and the issue is set to double unbearable.
It wants typical "best for his son " but this translates into" what she thinks is best " what your child does not choose! or" trouble! ". Apart from this, if you play a man who does not stop release the navel of his mother well, not to mention it? here and enter other things like that if it hurts the mother of the mosquito bite there is making the child to tell you that it hurts the Nips, and unless you can bring a pomadita to put just at the moment in which his son is with his girlfriend!

Well, if the father turns out plan is also set to require your child to his "mommy" is a helpless woman He needs help, who can not do without relying her husband and / or your child or children, especially boys good! and needless to say, better turn it over or as they say "Read the book" your boyfriend and let him know that even his mother is the Virgin of Guadalupe and is not entitled to such "blackmail" emotional to want to have your son around all the time she wants, whenever. Maybe, if those who even gives the "remorse" because llegóa time film and leave the bride to give her ointment "mommy" and flatly if too much! or put the batteries and realizes that her mother and made his life and he has to do yours and make a quick decision so that at least you do not spend time not you think?. I really do this and he'll thank you too, because if it is true that his mother loves him as he says then you know that your child should have their space and privacy as well as she had at the time, and remember if at any time he lived what she now is trying to con son, if it happened, it would be incongruous that she put in the same plan, because I think it has taken so submissively ... do you?

Now that along with this if you must make clear that neither his hate "mommy" or interests you have problems with your family, peeeero if things go well, then yes the hate and not just but also that if he will do because if you are really for each other I do not think your boyfriend will do very funny mom gets heavy with this kind of thing, and if not said whether he will take at least their distance, and if not for each other then rest assured he will do absolutely not to disturb or cause annoyance with "mom", so there yes, if you tolerate it, you'll be well aware it and the consequences that this might represent for you aside from that time, or you step on your hand or let it go flat and take another course.

Second: that it's official. Here you put
nicer still, because if we continue the previous story completely if your mother will want to live in the State of Mexico and you in Xochimilco! the farther the better! and more! out all day to prevent your home phone is ringing every few minutes to see how is the "baby" and do not talk about your child, if not your husband!. If you do not put in order all this and I imagine living every weekend at the home of your in-laws or going to places where they decide to be passed to "with family" thinking clear that "the family" they and their children yet, not realizing that your child has a family and not just his mom and dad ...
Well, do not even tell you where you propose to live, because if not your house into a bed upstairs, or in a house right inside your home, or in a new room or even in the same room "son family " be a block or in the same colony and placed precisely where some homes or apartments that are rented and not only that if they already know and other prices, and talked to the landlord to get me! , S.
do not fear? and even more if you allow all this to happen ... not to be fatalistic but a high percentage of marriages that came to divorce was precisely in-law or laws (speaking of both) that nosy are on the child and eventually the woman ends up getting fed up because he could not control it home and well, impending divorce.
Look closely, analyze and do not flinch, do not fall into "do it because he cares for his son" or evidence such that only want to enter your brain to hide what you generates a "warning" . Stand Up and acts before the finish in a way that does not want.

However, there are also beautiful in-law because they do exist and I have had to know definitely if they are poor, do not find them everywhere and usually will touch women that are a "jijas" haha that is best prepared and mentalízate to learn to take your mother today or tomorrow and the best way to avoid giving rise to opine on things that do not belong ... and if you have something to express, do not hesitate to write ...

This topic is so extensive that ... plane will devote a few posts more ... see you in the next, in the "To my mother I love her ... away! Part 2."

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mark On Forehead Headache

really better off alone?

Sola, just as he says the famous song "alone with my loneliness," this is how I realize I am when derrepente turn and no one else in the house I ... nobody calls me, anyone who remembers me ... and I do not really mean my family, if not a couple, a person who calls you at night that you called too late and with whom you spend hours and hours on the phone with so many things that ultimately are only " nonsense ", nothing concrete, nothing but sweet phrases that repeat and repeat things despite having seen it a few hours or even minutes, but let you sleep in a manner so calm, so happy, so happy ...

I miss those calls ... is that over time everything has become so ... everyday, so ... stressful, so ... routine and boring. There are no calls, I've become a cold woman, focused on the job, in my profession that is almost the only thing I enjoy ... yes, if I enjoy it and I love what I do just that would be much more fun, more enjoyable if you had someone by my side. Someone who support me, someone to guide me, fill me new ideas, let me see things I had not seen or even not even have occurred to me despite having them in front of me.
A man who makes me feel I really am beyond the successful professional, the entrepreneur responsible ... a man who makes me feel again here, in here is a woman full of things to show, by taking, for download, to make me tremble when you approach, let me once again regain the sensitivity that I have lost over these years that I have kept only resentment, pain and frustration to myself and my warmth to decide and give direction to my personal life. A man who takes the reins and subjected me to fulfill my dreams, a man who was boarding with me no matter what you take me by the hand and show me and I can actually trust again, as I can give myself without my brain take control over me and you can relax to feel, to enjoy, to ... love.

just do not want to be alone even though it may seem so, please come, touch my door, hold me tight, kiss me, quiébrame as you know it, dare to take that step I'm waiting for all this des stay as to date has been set me free, set me free, I need you now more than ever ... I hope ...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

How Much Is It For A Ticket At The X Games

no longer seems to me ... I do not use ...

No, not even I please speak to me in my ear, I have rejected so many times that I could not bear one more ... I do not want to risk with the desire to stay to have you back with me, not anymore ...
I do not want to stay warm in bed, humiliated,

This relationship is poised to fail ... yes, although many times we enjoy our company and swear that love endures, there are times when I would not want were by my side, where you'd like be alone without you and without anyone.
There are also times that I'd rather be someone else that I was full of love I feel I need, I agree with my game, my follies, my passions, my love ...

And is that because you may now unconditionally by my side and am not even want me? how you can change so suddenly? how ever you put on your part to fix what is messed up?, how come you is so easy to wake up and the next day with all lightness erase what happened yesterday?

And I love you so much but no longer seems to me, no longer seems to me that I use when I pleased, no longer seems to me you love me when you want, no longer seems to me to fly to the sky and falling 2 seconds without even a parachute to cushion the fall, no longer seems to me to be more your wife in this way.

quit, give up this life full of ups and downs, today I come to tell you face no longer tolerate your apology, which I can not stand your indifference to my pain, I'm not willing to hurt me again, that I do not see you because I can not trust you. Today

resigned to be your wife, your lover, your friend ... now I do not sleep in your bed or in your arms ... ---

Y. .. Do you find it familiar?, I hope not ... that is only a figment of my imagination and many other things in my head armed with several experiences ...
Sometimes we believe that there is abuse, much less think of our own family, no matter if your boyfriend or your husband could get to use us in some way ... going on, much more often than we think and do not realize or do not want to think so ... we endure this kind of humiliation again and again and the next day we thought everything was just the sensitivity that we had at that time, which is not something to take negative actions or as sharp and thus allow that to happen again and ended up in a cycle where every day we are giving and if we stop we lose control and touch bottom. And it's not bad that he does not want and you yes, but there are ways to learn to wear it without it affecting you emotionally and that is the work of your partner if you do not, I doubt the truth worth to be parked with someone who does not realize how bad you does your attitude, just ... do not care ...

thinks, feels and acts ... before it is too late ...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Comments About Dalfour

Like ... but is younger than me

Temptations of life ... but why could call attention to a man younger than us? perhaps the issue is sexual? or is it part of understanding?, what conversation?, how fun?, how we inject batteries? of ... we feel younger or who want to feel again as in recent years, with those traveling tickle the body or the famous butterflies in the stomach and, well, seeing the physical that this guy in all this "tender little ones" which baby corn ja and everything perfectly in place, strong, etc, can be quite tempting enough to turn and see him leave us wanting to remember those days but now in very different conditions.

The living example of this is none other than Mrs Kutcher (Demi Moore) who is now married up with Ashton Kutcher bonbon is no more and no less than 15 years younger than her and to this day maintain a relationship "Normal" outside scandals or anything like that. Is that really you can have a relationship " effective" with someone much smaller than one?, What is it that women mature faster than men?, Taking into account this point would not make sense to have a relationship with anyone under especially because it's "changing" does not sound so nice does not it?. Although ... maybe an adventure if it would be nice ... and ready to meet this concern, but parking spot there ... mmm do not know why I'm not convinced.

However, many men always dream of love in a woman, many have not been in love her teacher in kindergarten, primary, secondary and one in another in high school or college ... but mostly in high school or college and some, not only turned over to see the teacher if the mother's friend ! ... taking this into account and will be appealing to us that a "child" see us differently to how we see the men of our age now ... if it is motivational, encouraging and good spirits considering in which we are probably a compliment at the right time can trigger a series of things that afterwards we can not stop in time and see us involved in a happy relationship (talking about emotional, sexual) but also uncomfortable for factors around, that regardless of which can be an open relationship where everyone learns and perhaps we have nothing to hide. By this I mean that we are single or divorced, but no obligation to go. But if it is a hidden relationship, "hidden", there if it is doubly stressful, among which the "child" could be a friend of a child or child of a (a) friend (s) or close acquaintance, could lead to an outcome and not just soap opera with a happy ending. In these cases it is important to analyze the risks of this and not get carried away by emotion when we feel to see or know you still "on" or both tender and thought provoking "dirty" a "teen" .
Also, do not just need to get "far away" in order to achieve high self-esteem, just play a little causing the looks or some attention to that without remorse and without discomfort quietly and get what we do when we failure without getting into more trouble not you think?

you think? have you ever had a "affair" with a "child" ?, you're in a situation like this?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Support Template For Fondant Shoes

flee Why me?

Why? why there are still men who can not bear to see the woman who love is ... independent, financially solvent, intelligent, and more ... in many cases but they seem "strange" beautiful. yes, there are many women I know who met with all these features and alone! Why? simple ... Many men can not stand your partner is "strong" in the relationship, whatever it may earn more (speaking of salary), which has the best job or who is in a better company, in order , details so bland that far from increasing distances should bring them admiration for your partner, support to continue growing and many other things. Finally

love is love and love is not always a someone "like him" but rather someone who is a complement to, and that not only is professional but also personal, worldwide. Do we want someone who is so like us if there is nothing that brings back to our person, much less to the relationship, this would be like to stay stagnant and probably cause we could not get out and see a million new things, there are different in the world because our vision will remain the same.

While certainly good things we like what you would call luxuries, maybe so, but because we can see the luxuries for which we work. However that does not mean they have to spend more us or that we do not adapt to what we can invite ... Moreover, it should be zero concern, although it is nice to your partner or your "Pretender" invite you and pay the entire output, now we have this capability we can bring some things, perhaps once us and another to you and so it should not make you feel bad, much less bother you enough to get away completely from that person that you think might be the woman you interested in sharing those special moments.

How much can intimidate them not to approach or to reach out but just do not take the step, not encouraged to express their feelings and think that can go beyond friendship with her?
Guys please! Are we ourselves take the initiative? in these cases can be worse!, if in itself is shrinking in this situation I can imagine if some girl talk in front of them ... please! security! Security!, we do not flee, we "normal" , feel, love, have fun and we want a man to side to support us, to be with us at all times and especially not "freeze" when since we know or how much we have won or (speaking of material goods). Neither you nor we are nothing more than a job or a salary, we are beyond that, we open the doors erase those things that do not matter and open our eyes to see what it brought us so much.

I invite you to take the initiative! and no matter if we have to be girls ... someone has to! and if we see a chance where you want to shrink abused! we support!, give confidence, speak clearly and specifically agree that we can not afford to lose a person that we find interesting not only because we have the courage to take the reins ... the case and go with everything to give security to this man that we like.

And please! when this is, write me and tell me as I was! however, we go with everything!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


My partner is: what about women? 2nd anniversary

What subject as complicated for a society not ready for something like this ... I say this because even though we already see more gay daily, there are even many pro-homosexual movement and more people find "public" with this trend, it remains difficult to address the issue. There remains a kind of annoyance or discomfort to the subject.
While homosexuality relate to something merely "men" because everything around is criticism about "how to stop being man, macho, strong, controlling, dominant," "machismo" in a nutshell; Many women are now found in another person of the same sex as a companion to share his life with whom to share their thoughts, their fears, their loves, their joys, their complexes, their love for their profession and life .
course is more difficult because women somo very loving each other, from the hold hands when we are friends in elementary, secondary, etc to kiss his cheeks all the time or even swim together or go to the bathroom in pairs as both are criticized for them.

so pretty there a relationship between women who did not consider it difficult to take a step further, especially when you have not identified any man or have had experiences not just beautiful but very transcendental. Between us we understand, we understand perfectly!, Does not pass as a heterosexual relationship where he does not know what to say or how to act or how to interpret a response "vague" by his girlfriend. Here we know perfectly well what happens in the heads of the other, we know what we do and how to keep things running well in this respect have an advantage.
But ... what happens now in the issue of sexual attraction as such ... How can I attract someone of our own sex? intersante would any of you who are or have been in this situacipon could give us feedback this. Perhaps
so long they live together and doing that little by little we see that friend as the person who was always there with us and then ... is cute, we understand, there is "connection" between us and this may be the most important step to bring us to something else.

How to tell parents that I like my friend and ... she also liked that no longer want to hear about that old boyfriend who made me suffer so much and that really do not want to know about men ...? You must be a difficult step but I believe that life is full of so many problems, it is best to be as honest, even as direct as possible ... but all they like that very much but it beats walking walking around without getting anywhere, and creating environments can rarely be clear at all do not you think? although I will be somewhat complicated with the idea of \u200b\u200btalking in a serious, formal and sincere, it should always work, at least you do not stay with the feeling that you did something wrong, otherwise, you said it like it is and if not today, they will appreciate later.
As for your environment as well, of course, before making this public must be completely sure that this is, that fact will not want anything to men and that already will be gay , not fashion not tantrum, no pressure, if not poruqe you want and you're determined and happy by this decision. Once having this security, there is nothing to stop you, you have to go directly to address the situation according to the environment in which you are: friends, friends, relatives, parents, school, work, etc.
Just be careful to know how you do it, but there is nothing wrong with being gay should keep in mind that there are many people who bother you or likely to withdraw their friendship or anything like that, be prepared for all types of reactions, from most positive to most negative, but that should not stop much less make you feel bad, is part of, now is your lifestyle and have to deal with it.
I expect many things, many new experiences that only you know if you enjoy or reject, dare, do it, have fun with your partner happy, feel good, real siéntente. Projects

your happiness, your peace, your joy, your peace being what they are, believe me ... this is to whoever reaches it.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

British Gas Thermostat Battery Change

Yes today July 5 is the second anniversary of this blog.
and is easy to say but in reality it takes some perseverance to write at least every 15 days ... and it is hard to write posts of a Jaona No, we usually write about feeling "that what I do not know, I do not know how "and invade me mad desire to write without stopping.
is very strange that when I write my hands to stop to take a break, although I must confess that sometimes if you do not write as fast is careful to try to prevent what possible to have a dedazo misspellings of the typical "v by b" or vice versa, which are glued to the keyboard and if it can be seen with a clear reflection of error, but actually it is

dedazo ... " rich "to know that now I desire to express what I can do here and not my whole life had been: in a leaf and the first thing you find at hand: a pencil, black pen, blue and even red! what was just as long as everything you write My head wanted to "empty" and place somewhere to comfort me what was going through my mind at the time, whatever it was: happiness, nostalgia, anger, love, joy, sadness, helplessness.

Thank you and all who had the opportunity to read to me, to listen, to know what I think and think about everything I write here. Thanks to all who have written to my personal email ( with their particular case and all they could find here a relief, comfort, or simply and a place where they can identify in some way if not all, with some of the posts I've written along these 2 years. I hope to continue doing

for much longer, hopefully I can be all my life, at least a productive:)

I remember that I love to write me, comment and share what I think, feel or do you create my posts. I love receiving your emails and your comments, be sure to do so, and if you have not, do it right? I'll be waiting.

Well, I recall, is a little late, but did not want to miss the chance to write during the early hours of my birthday number 2.


Friday, July 3, 2009

Solid Mensurationcircle Area

I love you despite the weather ...

It's been a long time, well, for me it is ... have spent over 10 years and still retained that affection, that affection, that ... love ...
What? Is it that love does not end?, Then what is the purpose of that song so famous prince of the song where it says "just love"?

How true is that love is over or not?. A lot of analysis along with people nearby and some not so, I've realized that true love does not end, if only in a sort of "change" something like the law of conservation of energy, one that says: "energy is neither created nor destroyed only transformed" . And yes, even after years follow feel love for a person, it is quite different if you felt at least 6 months, let alone if it takes years with him ... everything changes, and is simply the time passes, the experiences are many, learning is more, at the beginning do not know much, slowly begin to know and not finished although never know a person, as they say, if there comes a point where you could practically come on and say that is what say or think to X situation.
This gives you day by day ... and all this, your kind of love is modified to be more real. By this I mean that in the beginning is not, but merely the first stage we live in is in love, which I have already spoken in previous posts, this stage is always really weird for me as I externship "the best, the tenderest, the most noble ..." perhaps by romantic tone you have. At this stage do not know much, you're on a cloud, in a faraway place so to speak, "flying, walking through the clouds." After this go down and as you do you see certain realities of form and not as "ideal" if not more "earthy." no longer see it as "the love of your life" in the romantic sense, but as the man who if defective, kissing rich and feel good, but also some things are distitnas to yours and even if you do not bother you but you like puzzle ...
Gradually you get to know more, you see things differently, but still there and love changes, finally becomes more transparent, more authentic.

Today, you look like the man with whom you have fought, laughed, cried, cried, suffered as much as possible, but also with whom you have passed the most beautiful moments ... yes, if this happens then is " the man in your life ". Sometimes you hate to love sometimes, sometimes I want out of your life, sometimes you can not imagine why you would be without him ... and just keep it there for months turn into years and love them in a more robust and even eternal.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Cs:source Launch Settings -high

with a partner, "Odd?

How many women seem to know that you are NOT the right person?, Do not think all your friends, do not be like that! :) Not bad
that being "best friends" or "good friends" we notice considerable differences in the partners of our friends. But why? "I've asked this a million times, what you do not you?, Even also has touched me" but why with him "or humorous comments also do so prized in those talks where we treat women to be as subtle with friends or talk to them plane "to chile" and tell them what we think as is always with the certainty that it can be a weapon of "many" edges:

  1. goes well and your friend confesses that if you as you think and almost serves to end the bad relationship or you ask for help or advice or something, or
  2. says that it is more or less well but "so so" and tells you the details. Talk of which salts more relaxed because you know more and now I can already think of a coherent, understand and finally give your approval to the individual, or flat
  3. your friend gets angry, "feels" you for what you think of your partner ... and let scraped the relationship between the 2 ... you stop talking.
Now, really serves to risk your relationship with your friend?, If you're safe, yes, you must face it and defend your point of view, but you also have to know how or say, finally but always talk "to the point " no" half measures " or anything, you should take into account that in these cases we always protect our partner because it is the person we think that covers everything you want and need, in short " fills us. " If you come aggressively addressing the issue, what you get is away from you, if not definitely, yes it will momentarily and that will hurt. It is best approached in the most subtle manner, that she sees, feel you really have doubts or are worried that you are concerned about their feelings and that you do with the desire to annoy or bother ... How to bother a friend? Like ... incongruous ... That should make it clear.

Once she understands your intentions and you feel you are actually there just for your concern for her, for your interest in their welfare, their happiness, she will open the door again and then I will trust you and you tell what is happening or why you are worried and you suspect something is wrong with their relationship. Women are cautious, we do not like drop everything, even with our friends, there are things we keep to ourselves, or even embarrassed to tell us our friends for the simple fact that they will think that since we became a "left" or how it can happen to women more bold or more "brava" group of friends, and feel so vulnerable when we have always been that we support other ...
now understand what I mean?, If you're really sure he is not the right person for your friend, but seriously, without jealousy, without anger about losing or much less, being honest and sincere with yourself, do it, said to him, but cares external form and place, it will depend on the success of your conversation and the strength to take their friendship after that.

Y. .. yes to which this happens is you, have the courage to see it, to accept and take action on the matter, the time is not wasted ... and no one is to lose to someone that does not add to your life yes?

Monday, June 1, 2009

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blogger's manifesto

economic and political bloggers Argentina, grouped together regardless of party sympathies, repudiate the abuse of property that is failing Artear SA, preventing the dissemination of videos containing interviews and statements by public officials and personalities related to the political agenda of our country.

Thus, under the guise of protecting copyrights, Youtube deleted at the request of ARTEAR SA, audiovisual content, despite being generated and broadcast their signals, including public information. Thus it restricts freedom of dissemination of information of interest to citizens, with serious harm to freedom of expression. A group focused on media and seeks to control not only the generation but also the circulation of political information in the country, interfering in the content produced by independent media.

Therefore, we request to restore the accounts and videos unfairly eliminated and guarantee freedom of dissemination and circulation of information of citizen interest as expressed in the Act Intellectual Property (Law 11.723) in its Articles 27 and 28.

We went to all institutions and personalities in the country and abroad to defend freedom of expression and dissemination of information by requesting a clear statement in defense of the posts concerned (and Registromundo Wicked World) and an end to such undemocratic maneuvers, that favor corporate interests over the rights of citizens.