Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Full South Park Episodes Via Quicktime

... Yes? Or not? Pink for October 2009

do please? , or against?, difficult and sensitive issue is not it?

More when we have a legalization of same does something back ... In be turned to political polemic.

And it definitely is a complicated issue ... there are many issues around ... not so easy to fix a position on it, especially when we have not been in this situation to see how possible abortion.

The point is not to judge or criticize anyone but I believe that this item is 100% female "provided that" woman is in a situción where it has been wronged or abandoned by their partner. Otherwise I think it is an issue which necessarily need to involve the partner and decide together. What is not so relevant is that it allows 12 weeks of pregnancy have someone ... of you is known as "the baby" at that time? ... is fully formed, and has a heart, and feel, it is ... a life ...
But what if they warn that hurts? abort?, what would you have?, in this case I really believe that the decision should be all our women ... with all responsibility that this entails, we must consider the guilt or remorse that might arise after this, even , so severe hormonal changes that may lead to depression and good life from this event ... do not think it as a "clean slate" truth?. We must become aware and once having this clear and being totally safe our decision to continue, whatever, abort or continue the pregnancy.

I love that this post will help open up a little picture of women who refuse to see beyond what they feel bad if you have been raped or ... not wanting to have your baby .. . if you really want an abortion do so, but as a favor, really I would ask you out before 8 weeks ... not later ...

On the other hand, is annoying seeing as there are people who believe they have quality control and moral enough to demonize the abortion ban or no matter the circumstances leading to this decision. how they can be as frugal and selfish!, What do we do with rape? I do not even take into account what kind of violation it is ... let's leave it at that ... rape ...

Inequality, poverty, rape, all this leads to many women have abortions ... and it's true, many, in a clandestine manner to tell ... some live, some are not. Not worth the risk so high ... increasingly young women have this problem and seeking a way out cheaply, hidden (where no one will know) ... I think they are worth taking better control of these cases, offer places with better disease control, security with the "doctors" who practice it, because doctors often do not even are ... well, not only prevent deaths of babies but also for women?

addition, you think that if pressed to a woman who does not want his son, who has ... get something? you care? you should believe it? ... unless you want your child to be imported?

If it was a girl who "watered" , irresponsibility or carelessness, the heat of the moment, etc ...

All this ends in unwanted children, abandoned, not only physically if not psychologically, it would be better not to bring the world?, Or perhaps you think that group homes or foundations or the congregations of nuns and other supporters in general are sufficient and serve to compensate for this damage?

life ... life is a touchy subject ... decide whether and how to live it live it now depends on us, but if you take someone with you that it is up to you to live or not ... did you decide?, what you choose instead? Think about it, but think again ...


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