Saturday, July 4, 2009

British Gas Thermostat Battery Change

Yes today July 5 is the second anniversary of this blog.
and is easy to say but in reality it takes some perseverance to write at least every 15 days ... and it is hard to write posts of a Jaona No, we usually write about feeling "that what I do not know, I do not know how "and invade me mad desire to write without stopping.
is very strange that when I write my hands to stop to take a break, although I must confess that sometimes if you do not write as fast is careful to try to prevent what possible to have a dedazo misspellings of the typical "v by b" or vice versa, which are glued to the keyboard and if it can be seen with a clear reflection of error, but actually it is

dedazo ... " rich "to know that now I desire to express what I can do here and not my whole life had been: in a leaf and the first thing you find at hand: a pencil, black pen, blue and even red! what was just as long as everything you write My head wanted to "empty" and place somewhere to comfort me what was going through my mind at the time, whatever it was: happiness, nostalgia, anger, love, joy, sadness, helplessness.

Thank you and all who had the opportunity to read to me, to listen, to know what I think and think about everything I write here. Thanks to all who have written to my personal email ( with their particular case and all they could find here a relief, comfort, or simply and a place where they can identify in some way if not all, with some of the posts I've written along these 2 years. I hope to continue doing

for much longer, hopefully I can be all my life, at least a productive:)

I remember that I love to write me, comment and share what I think, feel or do you create my posts. I love receiving your emails and your comments, be sure to do so, and if you have not, do it right? I'll be waiting.

Well, I recall, is a little late, but did not want to miss the chance to write during the early hours of my birthday number 2.



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