Thursday, January 6, 2011

Real Glory Holes In Orange County


Saben que nunca me he presentado ante ustedes como santa y jamás lo haré, pero en efecto hay cosas que no estan bien y punto.Hay cosas que son blancas o black. There are actions that make you look to the world as a fake, liar and hypocrite that can be modified without the overnight. And although this is not to attack if it is clear that belonging to the working world I can not belong to certain public figures who today continue with the story of "choosing" who want to talk to and who not. I think a lack of respect, among other things.I obviously the world is free and everyone does what he pleases. Only certain people to see the environment they feel important when selecting a finger who deserves to have sitting in your chair makes me laugh. Others feel even worth it to ask for respect and not be judged, on the other witness is being discriminated against everything da. Even this sort of thing leads me to think that something has to hide. And although I would point out to anyone because it's worth, I invite you to see the latest "personalities" who have walked through various TV and radio programs, who have not gone and wonder WHY? Do not think that this is the chick phrase "envy", but all sides equally. I find it so ridiculous and unethical not to have the pants to sit anywhere and talk of its truth or history. They say there that: he who does not should not fear. "Here, too, might say," Who will be the bag you put it. "Undoubtedly, horrible to live a life of falsehood and a judge is not.


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