Wednesday, October 13, 2010

8 Mo. Old Baby Dry Cough

Bewitched Children, witches and literature

Agate, back from school hugged his mother while he said: Mommy, do not know, today in class we were all afternoon talking about witches.
- So, do not be so impulsive, I prepared a glass of milk with some cookies I just baked and tell me okay?
- Today we had to talk about children's literature and left the subject of books about witches. The breast and the boys agreed that witches are ugly and old. They have a long nose with horrible warts. Flying on a broomstick. Strange concoctions prepared to do much harm to children and good people. All are equally happy when at the end of the story the witch dies How good are the cookies, ma!
- And you you said, honey?
- Nothing. The frogs became as you have taught me.
Jorge Vajñenko


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