Sunday, September 19, 2010

La Salle Sample Thessis

East if it does not, what will? You can not please everyone ... Will

You are witness that I love what I do and I enjoy every day, every garment, every interview, travel and to fight like the last. Of course everything has its price in this life and the world in which I move the critics, starting with mine do not wait. Starting with my mother who is my best and worst critic, to my friends, producers, neighbors, fans and ending at my sister who has no compassion for me in my face what you like and what you hate, I must be prepared to tell me "that dress is divine, the suit does not favor you, these thinner, do not use lines at the end of the hip, you are so beautiful colors, do not show So where is the neckline and you stop counting. " The fact is that definitely can not please everyone. Can not accommodate requests, much less stop feeling safe because someone finds a "but" or default to your outfit of the day. A day in my life always begins with "I'll do today" and while most of the days I have everything on schedule, I always end up using what I was going to make a Monday a Thursday example and vice versa.
The item of clothing when working in the TV becomes depends on how you take it in a headache in a dream or a challenge. At first it was half a headache because he wanted to appeal to all, then I decided to listen to one person rather than the 30 who felt, after I take with me the soda and I now feel I'm on the runway where we will never agree. It's more the fact of using a different dress every day of my life makes me feel like a model. I find fun to wear everyday designs, trademarks and proposals that would let me know what really have in my closet without much complication. And while it is true that we are tiny gold to be well liked by all, the fact that I destroyed with the critics or flatter me I like the egocentric Sagittarian good because it shows they care and never unnoticed.

Obviously I must confess that many of the dresses that I love everyday use by 90%, but there are others that I wear to not look bad to whom I offer them. Another interesting item of apparel is that there are days when I see a dress and I feel horrible jejos or inconspicuous, but seeing as I keep my mouth shut and is divine. Also happened to me that I have high expectations with an outfit and wear it turns out, was not what I expected. No doubt the issue of expectations is always a problem because as they say over there "who expect the much expected the little" or something. Not to mention the colors, as we have heard from God walks in diapers "for colors or tastes are tastes, colors, each person is different."

Green is my favorite, but the Orange is a key color orange seen if successful. First is the favorite color of my mother and I know I look again, it makes me look happy, safe and experts say is a color that gives good vibes. Another of my favorite colors are turquoise, is striking, but subtle, it gives me confidence as well as the purple is as always the right choice. I acknowledge that the patterns are not easy. There are dresses that look wonderful with their pints, but you can highlight defects that want to cover.
I even certified that the girl who chooses my clothes daily and knows me so much that you know we offer. And although there are obvious differences because I have an idea and she knows what looks best on me whenever we agree. At the end of the day as my boss says: "If you feel good that way and tell me you were going to a party dressed and coiffed and stay with it, but if instead I say no and change your excellency." That's my people that if one day you do not like some of my dirty laundry (as call for love) I'm sorry, we accept suggestions, but instead they like nice to meet that expectation. Also remember that not what you get, but how you feel and the confidence that would take him as LadyGaga.


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