Monday, December 28, 2009

Sample Comments On Career Aspirations

And because we're friends!

There's nothing like a friend ... really do not know if men are such stalwarts as women, but really, despite serious case that we are among ourselves, when we "the woman" or "women" to be our friends if we are something special. While we

dangerous among us and many times we should be careful what you say watch some of our gender, when we are friends, for us is as strong as a symbol of brotherhood. That is another topic ... if true bien dicen que no se eligen ni a los hermanos ni a los padres ni a nadie de la familia excepto a tu pareja, yo adicionaría a las amigas ;son algo más que eliges y que forma parte de tu familia, porque aunque no se tenga ni la mínima gota de sangre "igual", los lazos llegan a ser an grandes que muchas veces superan a los que de verdad son compartidos como en el caso de los hermanos o padres.

Y es que, hay casos en donde de plano la familia, y no sólo hablando de padres y hermanos, si no ya agregando a familias "parientes" como primo(a)s, tío(a)s, sobrino(a)s, etc, nada más no genera esos lazos de afecto, lazos de verdad fuertes, no cosas como la cotidianidad o la rutina de los domingos familiares or special parties where you can not miss or gifts or things like forced, if not actually creating a loop in which family members really love, want, and above all known ...
know many cases where it does not even know your cousin or you like? or if you have a boyfriend, if you like dancing or singing? or if it goes wrong in history? ... just know that chemical studies, living "to coexist" but nothing more ... or go out together, nor frequent, nor care for each other, just live " by encimita "Therefore, it is the family and because parents say: " should look and be together and then all Sundays and holidays have to meet, because they have no one but his family in the world if it fails (the parents) " ... by God that serves see their faces every Sunday or every holiday and every birthday , or whatever anyway if there is no real tie to stay firm on their parents die? ... really sacrifice your Sunday and other days to be with your "family" or know? ... I do not think ...

What about friends? with it there is nothing forced, compulsory, daily, not with her because things are going to be related to something, they have things in common, and can only be a couple, even to be completely different, but it does not matter, it is as complementary, as they rest, as they help, as we know so well that you know when the other needs, no need to shout "I need you, but sometimes you need to do, she knows and is there and not you see every day, even months can pass without seeing but you know when she needs you or you will need it, not by obligation, not, but because we have the need to see, to feel good, to support you, to hug and give you many times, that your family is not found or may not find ...

Whether you are single and married her or vice versa, it's not even care about the marital status that have ... there's always time for friends, always there is space, there is always love, always give you a smile or a word of encouragement or even the shock or that big hug ... You can talk and mourn for nonsense and the second to be killed in such nonsense laugh ... those are the friends, the sisters who gave you, but you chose ... cherish, frecuéntalas, do not leave ... not things that really make no sense, what you really grown fruits will not that push you to grow when not even the land is fertile ...

Dedicated to all my friends: The master friends, to each and every one of you, thanks for being, and sometimes not to be, and mourn, to cry, to laugh, to scold, to love, to embrace, by playing, dancing, ... just be my friends ...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Does Shingles Cause Dementia

have or have children ... Abortion

it be true that women are made to have children? and who do not have is not 100% happy? Definitivmaente
not know about you, but I wholeheartedly support those who say "do not want children" but I really feel that this is the result of things that have lived and performed to block his head and his heart something as beautiful as the joy of motherhood.

Why do I say?, Rather say, why you think that today do not want to have children?, Could ensure that with any of the following circumstances and if not, but really it is not, then I would ask you to give me a comment in order to understand this position, but without masks, being 100% honest.

1. Acts "traumatic" with the family. The brothers (as) or parents. Situations that do not like each parent and child or between siblings. Even cases that are the most or the "middle" and you get to care for the brother or younger siblings, which many times turn out to be "the trough", ie it takes a number of years so important is for you to change diapers, give bottle, bathe, change, give medicine, etc., all the role of mother practically only that they are not. When this happens, you usually difficult to think about having children soon, trying to live a little more things according to your age and avoid taking care of your brothers, age very quickly within the meaning mother and the other part of you is still parked in adolescence total. A 2, or you have trouble or want to marry and marry! to run away from home and forget about being a mother of 2 children who are entering puberty "the most difficult age" . Peer, if you decide to get married or get out of your house, nothing is with the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving children, is never! is not for you ... or if it is but ... in about 5 years and are not sure.

2. Are still very young and very very lazy!. This very young I mean under 28 years old love your freedom and you love to be able to say that today you're here and elsewhere tomorrow, no problem alguno.Pero that not to have children, do not venture to insure , do not deny the possibility, not lock yourself into something where you hurt yourself later, it forces you, let it pass, the time comes and then, only then decide.

3. Tried by all means be a mother or find the man in your life to be, or maybe if you and leave you checked ... but ... you get the time and you step ... was more important to buy your house, your car, your travels, your profession, your stability professional and today ... there is no way to have children, you can not, failed. Then get in it attitude "bitter" and it really is ... and say "I? Children? Not for nothing! That horror! Care chamacos I from afar" , when if you had a few years younger but TODAY without hesitation to bet that experience ... Do not hurt yourself, do not invent, do not deny, do not try to jsutificar, had your time and let it go, you chose something else, now faces strong Just take the consequences , you're not a girl, you're a woman, do not be bitter or bitter, or you invent things that are not. note turn away people, Draw and live with them we decided not to take. Make it through your nephews, your grandchildren, children of friends, have fun today, so decided to have.

If you fell in any of these congratulations! not all born to be mothers and then if you are completely sure of it. good!

really is amazing being a mother, not everything is perfect, but ... what is?, sometimes as more imperfect is what we ... do not tell me you're afraid to disclose it? or changing diapers? ja by God! 've done worse things and do not have hard time when you want to do, or? and your imagination should give you all the answers to this question or not?, then scare you with a simple diaper change and that if you apply unveiled last 3 months?.

What if I say that the rewards will be 1,000,000,000 times the 30.000 changing diapers and 90 days without sleep run? and indeed fall short, but I could tell you many things ... yet no one from somebody else experience it? so I would recommend you decide to do it and live it more fully ... could bet your thereafter to ensure that there is nothing, nothing more beautiful than having a child.