Thursday, May 19, 2011

Watching Mlb Network Online


Today I party, because my parents are celebrating their wedding anniversary and really thank you for keeping the home in which they grew up together in the sun, rain, storms, sorrow and joy. Thank you for every day of those over thirteen thousand days that have filled us with love, wisdom, and many more things that no beings have become ready for life. Is that the most difficult of life is living together and wonder that based on tolerance and placed above all things love has made a good team of life. A dumbbell full of complicity, friendship, passion, intensity, and also differences that are part of real life and hundreds of basic elements for what we have today.

They mixed the energy of the just and unsurpassed Amalia, with the sweetness of beauty and love ojisverde "SANTUVAL" to be the best in style. Is that words with the wind as they say over there, but today I wanted to share my sentimentality, my happiness or whatever you call it, for my beautiful parents already have 38 years together and stirred.
As my Barbara Camila, I love to "THE PLANET JUPITER" jjajjaja. That are muchossssssss massssss ...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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know that clear to me today?? That when a man knows you wonderful, beautiful, divine, super produced and falls is the most false thing in the world. Produced as to know I say this seeing as how spectacular lights ayuditassss one of which used to impactar.Sin certainly nothing like the one who falls in love with what is true. That is why when this beautiful and knows it and a guy comes and says it is like to go and say, "yes i know thank you." And this you might wonder where he came to write this? and the story is that the other day after a shower and take off all makeup and going to sleep, I knock on the door and no way, nothing to do, to show that there is no penalty. So was I there without a drop of makeup and my towel on his head talking to some friends while I look fabulous every day, that day saw what I call "the truth of the truth." Well the fact is that the charisma or sets of rolls, or much less makeup and masks, or you have it or you do not. So as a life lesson, it is true that we must be divine at all times by our own self-esteem or whatever you call it, but nothing masssss important than what you do not operate "personality." There are so many beautiful people with no personality and charisma that buenoooo already know ....

Sunday, May 15, 2011

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Dear Professor:
certainly wonder why these lines, especially when I think no doubt that you are a hypocrite. Relied on his curiosity and guilt to get to the end of it. Also understand that I am obliged to use false name and return address.

Returning to the topic at hand, believe me, would have preferred to go to the press, or better yet, to the reputable publications which report their supposed achievements. But my word against that of the eminent professor, I am aware, no chance. Be patient teacher. Remember when I told him "my" discovery respect to the unicellular prokaryotic microorganism, the various species cause fermentation, or putrefaction disease in living organisms or organic matter and its permeability bacteriostatic. "It feels good teacher?

The fact is that I continued with my research in the field bacteriophage and wants to share to you my discovery and my delayed revenge. Research Thief! It took me years of laboratory isolated a virulent mutant strain
XK327A. I was no less difficult to achieve to retain latent for a period of sixty hours of use in its explosive spread.

The symptoms begins headaches, dizziness and continues with blurred vision, and then alter the entire cardiovascular system, ending the break to within the walls of the heart in a heartbreaking implosion. What is surprising, professor, is that the process does not go beyond two or three minutes after the virus inoculated into the body through contact with the paper of a letter, for example

Did take?
Any dizziness?
Is not distinguish well the lyrics?
My fake teacher ... goodbye.

Jorge Vajñenko

Sunday, May 8, 2011

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hahaha So tell me my beautiful, "Mommy quierooooo to THE PLANET Jupiter" jjajajjaja and if she says so essssss

Certainly when we become mothers we understand our mothers and we masssss than before. The most beautiful gift I have in my life is my little Barbara Camila. I melt you know that every day she hugs me, tells me good morning and tells me how pretty I look so this aunnnnn asleep. His words and calls constant when we are at home: "Mommy look, let's play Mommy, Mommy, how to spell" scissors "? etc, etc. Our way of understanding and is sent to live with. We have a normal life and full of many emotions. She known as knows what I am going to respond when I have not opened my mouth. Barbara Camila is the queen of my life and knows it. Barbara is my best friend, my best gift, my perfect match. So I thank my beautiful mother for giving me instructions and guidelines in my life to be and do what no woman knows if done well ... being a mother. Congratulations to all the mothers of mundoooo today and always, whatever the day in which celebrate. Although diaaaa of lassssss madresssssssss is every moment of every day.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Inurl: Live View Axis

Everything is relative ... in the eye of the beholder

Each day that passes is clearer to me that we are what we want to be and nothing else matters. If there is something we should be clear is that nothing happens by chance. The stories that life puts us face to face are for something and we should not dismiss it so it sounds like a fairy rose. There are situations where even we complain and do not understand why certain things happen, but what is obvious is that if this was already written because God gives nothing we can not overcome. While we must always be clear that in life there are fundamental elements to achieve the much desired "success", we must also determine what is success for everyone. In multiples momentos pensamos que nuestro éxito depende de lo que la gente que nos rodee piense qué es el éxito.

Mi madre que es muy sabia no se cansa de decirme que "A VECES PERDIENDO SE GANA". Y un buen amigo de la casa señala que con el orgullo no se compra en el mercado. Es más bajar la cabeza no es signo de debilidad,sino de inteligencia. Es por ello que siempre voy a admirar a todas aquellas personas que nos demuestran que el límite es el cielo y que por encima de todo son capaces de vencer el ridículo y utilizarlo a su favor. Es más en alguna oportunidad en una clase de teatro un profesor al que adore mucho y respeto cantidad nos dijo que "no habia nada mejor que hacer el ridículo to consciousness. "That's why the best we can do is laugh at ourselves, because at the end of the day someone will do for you and you.