Sunday, March 27, 2011

Candida Die Off And Swollen Ankles


Dear friends, for health reasons my mother I have been absent from the blog and other activities that gratifies me. Today I return to this with a story of a great writer and best friend. Gradually
to go putting up with your blogs. Love to everyone


dead forests are lost
looking for paths to nowhere. Looked at the stars in silence
thousand white fountains panting and flooded his body.
exploded in empty universes exist and
walked naked among vines and brambles. Apathy
dry branches left traces in his soul.
were found under a black moon and together they began
the road. Vomited red gods
laughter that hurt the feeling and dark clouds of silence
eyes watered.
confused in the thicket of doubts began a struggle of battles
wanted to make it land tilled by him and leave their grooves
pieces of his soul.
She wanted to convert water to quench their thirst
He wanted to be a bird to make it
bird and fly together.
She wanted to be a craft of his body and forge a sense
He wanted to grow like a tree with roots
buried on their land.
She wanted to be a wave to the sand caress your body
both wanted to become a hurricane and drag
deep silences.
But they found the words and a marble
moon showed them different ways.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

36 Weeks & Having Black Poo

This new life we \u200b\u200blive is very comica.Imaginar someone to call you instead prefer to write with text and hopefully gives you his BLACKBERRY pin. Not if they happened, but in this new story we live at the level of communication I have found in many different opportunities that I have only the PIN of many friends and / or acquaintances, not their numbers telefono.Es more now when someone gets mad first thing you do is "erase facebook or feisbu "jajajjaja or leave to follow on Twitter is that now you are" unfollow. " There have been past that have had problems because a friend of a cousin, said the photo of one of your friends and the friend calls them "a scandal arm them" because someone I think of him or her? This new way of living never before in my case I thought I became addicted to talk with people who mostly do not see lack of time or even do not know. The other day I passed my daughter (7 years) wrote me a text message telling me: "Mommy I love you now for your room because I watch Selena and Justine" and we were wall to wall. In fact I find it very funny when one's best friends serve as the flames WITH LUCK AND IF GOD IS GREAT salute you "happy", but hurry, as they are in the middle of a meeting and / or meeting you and say, "Best I write for the PIN that I'm full crazy I love you "and even if they spend 45 minutes talking on the pin and she is not aware of your meeting is as or more COOL" IN "written by phone.

In fact now the issue is do not invite your boss, do not interrupt, do not waste time talking to anyone, but always better to send COPY an email with so many people to take the divine while before looking at investing in people, to see if we really want to bring a friend, learn more at the body of these people and etc, etc, etc. Another particular detail is that when one starts dating someone first goes like 3 weeks talking WhatsApp or Pin or twitter because NOTHING IN THESE SINOOOOO NOOO. In short this method though as we have told them because I can not deny ADDICTS WE stop contact, chemistry, skin, the touch and even smell us and enjoy the REAL socialize. It has happened that when I go to a restaurant with friends turned and we are answering emails ALL LIFE OR DEATH, calling the mother to know that I cook because you have like 5 days just send it text, or by sending messages to the husband who is at home or even on twitter to avoid talking to the chair of the lado.Ahhhh and what about when you send an email and never respond to you? Now we have to understand the new communications system.

standards already good speaker and good listener does not exist, because as I say if you send an email and NEVER, NEVER ASSUME YOU MUST REPONDENNNNN the answer is NO or NOT interested, or I go into the tray Spam, or the child playing with "compu" delete it in finnnnnnn. So you now have to develop that or not see yoooo queeee PERMITTED BECAUSE YOU ARE A LEVEL sinooooo SINOOOOO ... Moreover you ride the train tecnologiaaaaaaa "that llamannnn" do not know what world you live. But as good or does not answer YES OR OTHERWISE, NOR ASSUME NOR CREATE ONLY RIANSEEE jajajajajaaja.Por sure what is YOUR PIN ?????????

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mera Naam Joker Simi Garewal In Jungle

JAJJAJAJA .... As if it were your last!!

know that long ago a person I respect and admire wrote something that struck me forever and I want to share. This person was saying that no matter how many titles have, or how much money we accumulate in our lives, or wife who you are or how famous you are, if when every sign we put the end to our history we will not have anything above. The fact is that when tragedies occur such as Japan must reflect and set priorities in our days. We know that nothing is better than peace and there is no force greater than God. Everyone calls it as he wants, but it is the only one capable of being superior to anything. That is why the famous saying that says: "Live every day as if it were your last" what we have to take seriously. Imagine what they were doing all those thousands of people who surprised the water, a stone or a heart scare last March 11 in Japan.

can not continue living as if we care about others, it is impossible to even get the indifferent because no stone can stop reacting to such pain. And even though life must continue and must be positive thinking is important for everyone to share, hugging their loved ones and fully enjoyed all is the message we carry daily. And although I seem to "motivational" and it is true that I do not do that we must move and move us. Enjoy the joys, adventures, discussions, despair, sadness, sickness, all belongs to us and we are grateful that we live, watch the sunrise. Let us pray for those who stopped dreaming and were ...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Are Mobile Phone Jammers Legal In Australia

The truth always comes out! LUCERO And always look ...

Manuel Mijares Lucero and separate? Mijares Lucero and problems are long?? I can not take esooooo! Cuantossss know months we hear that Mijares Lucero and divorce? It is definitely no way to hide the verdad.Nada more daunting for new marriages to hear that after fourteen years, just love a good day. As is the case of the iconic and beloved Mexican couple: Lucero Mijares. We still can not believe that waited so long to unleash a truth that was delayed in appearing. There is no doubt that when someone is determined to deny a rumor is nothing more than the reaffirmation of the truth. We all know that in the communications industry but it takes them to hide the truth of what it take to go to public light. And although at the time for many Lucero is being seen as a liar, I think it's a woman cunning. A woman full of courage to get rid of something that did not work. No other mattress is, nobody knows the burdens of others and less nightmares. While it is true that ¨ Spark · We sold a picture perfect woman, she realized that life is more than "what people think." I have no doubt that in every relationship there are ups and downs, but as Mijares Lucero and have said "the balance" that remained was nice, two sons and many memorable photos.

certainly muchaaa habraaaaa fabric to cut related to this scandal in the coming days. Best of all is that we stop "mystify" the people in the entertainment world, we are all ordinary and who no conflict is an "alien." For those who want to follow me on TWITTER AM @ VenenoSandoval

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pokemon Dawn In A Bra


celebrate with you so many anecdotes of the show, to follow every day doing the program, the reason you are stuck there every day at 6pm/5c and masssss accomplices have achieved even with the passage of time are few things more satisfying in my mind. Having achieved this rapport, the chemical that passes the screen, this camaraderie between everyone and do what you feel, it is the most beautiful gift of the 2 years anniversary of La Tijera.
If I start listing the tijererazosssss, the laughter, the times I've Raul insulted, opportunities where someone has bothered to The Poison, the moments in which I have said · Dog ¨ and you seem to have no end. But what if it is very corazonnnn is that I personally appreciate the support of Dulce Veneno. One of these days we get to remember how many things we saw on screen that we can not forget. Although I assure you that for me every day of the Scissors has been unique, unique and irreplaceable. That and massss muchassss graciassss.