Monday, April 5, 2010

How Do I See That Shani Effects On My Kundli

And what I choose?

And what do I decide if I have no idea what's going on in my life? Derrepente
as if everything is put in front of me and bombard me with a million things on every stage of my life ... personal, professional ... how do you know what I will do the right thing?
wait to take it ... but ... if it turns out, is very risky, if it works ... if worse comes after?
many times have you been in a position like that? probably several times ... and what have you done? hast made? the longer you go? has undoubtedly been a bit of everything, I think so, because if you have not ventured to make at least one of those calls that you make in the mood to leave everything and follow that dream then I think, is more could ensure that you are not happy .... have not used your life, you have not enjoyed ...

many times we get so many things in front and we take the view "fat" and still there over and over again, they leave and then come back and we still do not want to see them, when this happens it is no coincidence, at least that I think I rather think this is personal and we take what we have in front, something like that happens there! no let it pass! because then it will go with everything I had prepared for us ... and eye! everything can not just be icing on the cake ... some things may be difficult or perhaps even stormy at the time in which we live them touch, but they sure are part of the flavor that will make us grow, learn, assess if not today, tomorrow sure . Are those things that although it was bad taste in the mouth, without them we'd have to have the vision and many of the skills they have today. We must learn to overcome, to enjoy despite the bad taste ...

Well, if you do well, what to say! the joy is multiplied, you'll see other things, you will live many more, you will be filled with love, energy, good vibes!, all that is appreciated.

not limit yourself, do not sabotage! aventarte take the opportunity of taking what you have in front of you without stopping to ask without thinking, without getting if you want a cap or the slightest but because otherwise you will NEVER! and this may be the opportunity of a lifetime ... both personally and professionally. Commit

you, give him the ring!, Takes the airplane, signed the contract, make this partnership, change of look, said to him!, Hop on your life and be master of it ...

Good luck!