Rasputin is dead, the war ended
Understanding the great processes of change is not easy, not at all easy, so I was when I tried, a little over 3 years to assimilate the concepts detailing Joseph Nunn and painstakingly Torcuato Di Tella in a talk at the National Library on the future of political parties in Argentina, I honestly do not cease to amaze me these two prestigious intellectuals, especially I had the pleasure of meeting Di Tella in the CBC as a teacher Sociology and his classes were unpredictable and other fun and bearable but is not so much the case, the fact itself was his vision, shared by both, on the future of political parties in Argentina to a center-left and center-right something similar to what they argued that in the rest of the world in general and exemplified, in particular, with the U.S.. This assessment did not seem very applicable the case of our country to its roots and characteristics, policy consideration I think that those parameters have more grip on the major urban centers but it was hard to imagine a Santa Cruz, just to cite one example, or Formosa voted to debate whether left or center center-right or Sunday in the square of the village, which is not anything obviously parameter, returning a little to the presentation, they argued that Argentina moved inexorably towards the new political formation that the old partisan identities, would become obsolete quickly, concepts which, judging by their behavior, is that President Kirchner took no issue any opinion on whether this is right or wrong, however, raised the new scenario that we "split" between center-left and center-right: What do the Peronist?
"... There will be no revolution, the end of utopia is, committed suicide ideology, and you do not know whether to laugh or mourn, seeing Trotsky on Wall Street to smoke the peace pipe ..." (J. Sabina) YES TO LIFE, NOT THE PAPER