Friday, December 28, 2007

Krazy Glue To Glue Patches To Leather

The wolf in sheep's clothing ... CONGRATULATIONS

Maurizio Herr, true to form "hard worker" now called "2,000 heads", for it each Director General of the departments of city government, should make his "humble" contribution to the cause purification and management sent a PRO list of the "heads" that the chief had requested, finding: at around 12 noon totaled 2,000 families who lost their sources of income.
Quick reflexes and good management of the press, Rodriguez Berreta , (which is a slander that is processed, which never worked in the State and honestly earned every penny that liquidated) said they were fulfilling the promise of lower political spending ¿? and that these 2000 bad citizens were gnocchi, immediately afterwards, he signed a decree which, in line with lower political spending, increased the budget for hiring consultants of Directors of $ 2,500 to $ 8,000, $ 12,000 for Secretaries and $ 20,000 for Ministers.
For his part, Maurizio added that they had hired 13,000 Telerman Management and the vast majority were gnocchi ... Well, of the 13,000 employed, the vast majority were former "plans for heads of household" which by law must be incorporated into the community and the vast majority earn between $ 800 and $ 900 ...
In the meantime, the Union SUTECBA, and tapered dientes y salió a la cancha con todo, bajo la consigna "ni un solo cesante", anunció medidas de fuerza para la semana entrante y paro y movilización con concentración en la Av. De Mayo y Bolivar el día viernes 4 de enero de 2008 a las 11.00hs...
¿Como seguirá?...

Monday, December 24, 2007

Wooden Spoon Bare Bum

Muchas felicidades para estas fiestas, que reinen los mejores deseos y la unidad de todas las familias. Con el mayor deseo de Paz, Pan y Trabajo para el 2008 que esta en las puertas.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Tell Difference Between Ingrown Gair Herpes

thread, love and betrayal ...

Tres cortitas y al paso, con el poco tiempo que la transición me deja para post, although Post Posted:

1) Ron Damon : Poor Aguilar although he and the Board of Directors, my sources in San Lorenzo HCD tell me that Ramon is one more year in Cyclone does not return as long Aguilar River, not to save the popes who threw fire, not less fairly. This week we'll see if I lied or not ...
2) Na 'Cristina: It is the elected President, this is the future Minister of Public Works of the Province of Buenos Aires, we know that this post is not going to take Daniel Katz, nor Julio Alak , it would be Evita's grandniece, Cristina Alvarez Rodriguez, who led the Cultural Institute of the Province of Buenos Aires and since 2005 is National Representative.
3) Spoon the CGT ... It would seem that the trucks will begin to reverse, since the boys are running for the change of command of the labor union looks set to be a major betrayal, any union that at the last moment his congressional run to the other side of popes union collective possibly make some "scoop" was the Secretary General of the labor union.
(Ni de Romero, ni de Alak, ni de Quindimil, ni de Prince, ni de Villordo... je)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Prepyloric Ulcer What Is A Prepyloric Ulcer ?


Por mas dificil que se haga por la falta de tiempo... aca estamos... FIRME COMO RULO DE ESTATUA. Un año de intercambio, sin dudas, un placer. GRACIAS A TODOS.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Gay Night Spots In Mumbai

A Country Doctor ...

Una vez lo escuché decir, en una entrevista, que uno de sus mayores orgullos había sido que en un importante Congreso Internacional de Cardiología, al presentarlo dijeron: "no vean en él a un gran cardiólogo sino a un médico rural", investigador, luchador incansable de las causas nobles, creador del By-pass cardiac that helped save millions of lives around the world, put aside the fame and money they could make a comfortable stay in Cleveland, USA to lend a hand in their country, created with great effort, the Favaloro Foundation universdad and bearing the same name.
Rarely do we take a real dimension of the harm caused by the negligence and incompetence of officials, perhaps, this is one of those cases that make us open our eyes, a bean more for the have and ineffectiveness of President De La Rua , Ministers and officials ...
The work of the Favaloro Foundation is the most important legacy of Rene Favaloro, who can collaborate, here know how. Thanks.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Congratulations On Marrige

Evita: Always present! Construction

"And if you stop on the road, tattered of my life, I know you stand up and take my name as a flag to victory ... "

Monday, July 9, 2007

Clear Rubber Cement Discharge

political construction is probably one of the most difficult parts in the political work of any human being means giving political support base and ideologically to a particular project, in the jargon of the militants known as the "armed" political and it always calls for true artists in the art of combining "it with pleasure," people of good stomachs capable, by a reasonable price, to swallow toads that there are worst in the political world, this assembly is not a matter of a day or after an election act, this is given in the daily activities of men of politics, in the day to day and when one has power, a good project or silver case is about a lot more people and much faster than usual.
One assumes that there is an ideology or goal that moves them to group and towards which all attract the same side. Reading the morning
not disappoint a bit I realized the logic of armed around Cristina's candidacy, the problem is that I do not understand it (which obviously is not synonymous with anything.) The new policy and the second part of the change starts with 29 of the 30 mayors in the suburbs (who were allies of the Godfather as defined Cristina herself ) for re-election, this means that if someone expects a turnaround in his district, will have to wait another 4 years more, that is, to whom we present as a continuation of Nestor initiate change, to deepen and complete Cristina who knows who ... (Penguin and penguins, obviously).
One observes that within the logic (?) Of the assembly that are developing, each officer having office or arrival at the Casa Rosada (and not necessarily the President) is dedicated to generating new militant alliances in each commune, district, province . All dolphins are thrown into the pool direct arrival with "someone" who has an office in the Government House. So far there is nothing unusual and is perfect to play the speculation. The problem arises when one observes that the internal lines in each district who are active have no chance to sit down to negotiate or even to merge into a single political space ahead of the elections, at which time come to light the results of the "armed" a politician who practiced for a certain amount of time. La Plata has at least 3 candidates for mayor that claim to be K (Alak, Bruera and Castagnetto), all three have photos with K and none of the 3 are intended or likely to close any deal with the other 2, this leads to split K vote in 3 different candidates and thus the obvious result is that the list that binds to the 3 (which included Cristina for example) add the votes to provide the 3 but the local board the risk of losing the district is " important "and better still the possibility of leaving wounded who could very well be an ally. Up to this speculation may seem simple but if you look at what happened in Tierra del Fuego or Capital analysis will take another form. Within the logic of armed formula intended to test the separate ballots for mayors uniting the rest of the charges, something like a law of slogans.
Logic aims to focus the largest possible number of votes for President and Governor, but left to chance districts, which can complicate or even prevent any upcoming Provincial and National Management ... Anyway, about political strategies and are armed for all tastes ... What is certain at this point is that you do not quite understand if there is no willingness to move towards a change, if they want to be very little or if they are not entirely convinced bet change, but fijate Entre Ríos and Misiones.


Monday, July 2, 2007

What Does A Fire Emergency Plan Entail?

dirty campaign politics and politics as a personal project

By J. Telerman

While factual analysis to belong to the realm of academic speculation, several news and political comment these days indicate that if the national government would have supported me my you could win Mauricio Macri. From what I've read and heard, even within the national government itself there were those who subscribed to this theory, also critical of his own government for its performance during the campaña.Un Some history: It is true that for a while I looked for the possibility of having some level of agreement with Kirchner. But in order to join forces against someone, but because I am absolutely convinced that the policy requires alliances and make stronger government action. I wanted to have that support, but in an area of \u200b\u200boverlap and autonomy. I never accepted the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing a mere delegate or a relationship of submission. We create a space with their own ideas and identity and from there wanted to support, not dissolve in otro.No am saying nothing new: the largest democracies in the world are those who have joined coalitions through agreements and not fragmented into multiple propuestas.Pero should be just that: alliances, agreements, coalitions, not all submissions to uno.Siempre was my vocation and conviction to build a political space and a separate and independent force in the city of Buenos Aires in which we have no problems in recognizing the national government policies with which we agree, but equally clearly express our differences about what we do not like. However, as the election approached was visible to all of something we knew a few: that the essential objective of the Buenos Aires kirchnerismo sector (if not all, at least representing Alberto Fernandez) I was getting the win. Given the evidence that not only would not be possible any level of agreement but that began to emerge, with actions and statements, a harsh campaign against us, I looked for other agreements that would allow, first, expand our base of support and the other, have the basic parliamentary base to support our current and then eventually, the next government. So clear and obvious was the objective of the sector that represents Alberto Fernandez, who on the night of June 3 welcomed the outcome of his fight against me and the sector that accompanies me, even though it was quite obvious the defeat that awaited them on 24 June, in the second vuelta.Las weeks before the first turn, generated high levels of attack, tensions, conflicts, complaints, tension and chaos in the city, promoted from that space, clearly and openly. The consequences were the growing concerns of citizens about the ability that I would have to govern well in that context. It created the idea that I do not would be easy to manage and, consequently, caused a major sector of voters undecided or not tired of this situation, he turned to Macri. The latter, while acknowledging the large number of voters who chose Macri in the first round of accession thereto, without further consideration that will believe that good governance. I decided at that time, no talk with the rawness and clarity that many I suggested, because he felt that would only add fuel to the flames of a conflict created to harm. How all this process influenced the policy that I have bad relationship with Alberto Fernandez, not now but for years? Surely much, reinforced, no doubt, by the belligerence that has also long time to me Aníbal Ibarra. You may wonder if both personal issues affect political decision-making. Should not be so, but in a situation like the one we live without organized political forces, with lines Enclosed individual and to grant and withdraw at will, without discussion of tables, with all the limitations we know .... Yes, unfortunately so. To change that also deals with the political action. To prevent further constituted only as a personal project or small group. Today, political structures are nonexistent and imposing decisions finally are those who take a personal capacity. Personal hatreds and irrational as I describe dominate an agenda in which little or no room left for discussion relevantes.Predominó the perverse idea that "since we can not win, that our anger rather than prime interest in the city." It was obvious that they preferred give up on us to win the election before us. Against any individual that strategy, not ideology, but personal suspicions and resentments of the overnight sector tried to establish that a false choice for the second round as if it were a confrontation with the RIGHT. Frankly, that appeal seems to me indefensible inconsistency. Against this background, it was determined that, although not exclusive, I disregard the second vuelta.Lo we are building in Buenos Aires is not an alternative that does not arise as a reference theme to others. No ghosts join us, or believe to be defined for or against another is sufficient. For us, the world is divided in binary form. No two unique ways of seeing the world or thinking about politics. Nor are there two unique ways of thinking the city. There are other alternatives and ours is one of them. No resentment or spite, but a new way to say "Look, we are something else." Many people understood this and expressed their support in the first round. Many of you understand this and express it every day participating in this space with their comentarios.Voy to continue building and participating in elections to try to win. But if that does not happen, or Buenos Aires or the world will end. Hopefully the new political circumstances and these election results do retrain all in relation to the force with which broad sectors of society reject the lack of respectful dialogue on policy, or the criteria fascia "loyal and enemies" and the slogans "We or chaos." If these changes happen, always I will be willing to talk with those with whom we agree on a city model and promote values.


Dinosaur King Card Game

more alive than ever YOUR MEMORY

10/08/1895 - 01/07 / 1974
In the eternal search a National Project and People listed in the column we all Argentines, is here this humble tribute to a great man.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Heart Shape Baking Tins

half plus one ... What?

San Lorenzo ended up all in the Clausura tournament. He won from end to end. It was one of the fences less due and one of the highest scoring team. In addition, there was another item in which he stole: in the call. turned the club that more people took . By far ...
sold 312,336 tickets in total, 216,333 and 96,003 popular audiences. Sure, it is noteworthy that in recent games sold very few local general and the stands were full partners. In the New Gasometer always played full court. And every time I was visiting, he sold what he did, in Rosario, Santa Fe, La Plata and Mendoza. He was so faithful to the fans far outpaced Barca River and Boca. Núñez those placed in second, with 277,524 tickets (204,855 and 72,669 general audiences.) Third , twice champion, Boca , with 261,032 (207,213 and 53,819 general audiences.)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Early Stag Genital Warts


Sunday is the second round, the options are but known by all, from one side Daniel Filmus, the other Mauritius, which is Macri ...
do not know who was the skull to the second round election that advised the President to be exposed to reverse a trend difficult, the price of letting bad standing in front of an adverse outcome, not knowing who was the electorate of Buenos Aires who imagined that the best Filmus was for negative campaigning on Macri, achieving the opposite result, of course, not who was the statesman who believes that the best way to beat Macri is that you can imagine, by the gadgets that are proper, it fell below the intention to vote for "their" candidate ... Do not you know who?
The only certainty is that very likely coming to Government Macri City has a father, and is the photo, another trophy to their cabinet, CONGRATULATIONS ALBERTO.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Brides High Stage Decoration

already anticipated in March when since the arrival of Ramón Díaz, one sensed a San Lorenzo eager championship, Sunday after Sunday I noticed a campus in the minds of the people filling the stands in full and effort meant to get a ticket for Cyclone to see play against anyone, with all the condiments it takes to be champion suffered when he had to suffer, they won the games we had to win and bitterly tied or lost some that were key, however, beyond not being able to repeat the never team today, missing a date for the final of the tournament after 4-2 left on Arsenal, deservedly devoted Champion ...
San Lorenzo VIVA
Argentine Football Champions

Samantha Anderson - 38g

electoral observer ...

City prepares for round two, the latest polls say that the child would win by beating Mauritius and the difference would be irreversible in the first round and pulled out, evil of evils command Campaign K, this gap increases. On Thursday almozara with a partner who is working hard command Filmus campaign and I had a little thought to use strategy and already beginning to see reflected in the media, "we are on an act which has a strong presence political leaders who did not play with us in the first round and speak out for Filmus, wave an "all with Filmus" and week shoot surveys to locate a 10 or 12 points Macri to give the effect that "might" ... The truth that as a strategy is acceptable, but the only thing that will do to beat Macri? I think the negative campaign and creole circus around the Minister of Education will not reach to reverse this trend, boys Put the batteries!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Hl-dt-st-dvdram Gh40f Double Couche ???

Rasputin is dead, the war ended

Understanding the great processes of change is not easy, not at all easy, so I was when I tried, a little over 3 years to assimilate the concepts detailing Joseph Nunn and painstakingly Torcuato Di Tella in a talk at the National Library on the future of political parties in Argentina, I honestly do not cease to amaze me these two prestigious intellectuals, especially I had the pleasure of meeting Di Tella in the CBC as a teacher Sociology and his classes were unpredictable and other fun and bearable but is not so much the case, the fact itself was his vision, shared by both, on the future of political parties in Argentina to a center-left and center-right something similar to what they argued that in the rest of the world in general and exemplified, in particular, with the U.S.. This assessment did not seem very applicable the case of our country to its roots and characteristics, policy consideration I think that those parameters have more grip on the major urban centers but it was hard to imagine a Santa Cruz, just to cite one example, or Formosa voted to debate whether left or center center-right or Sunday in the square of the village, which is not anything obviously parameter, returning a little to the presentation, they argued that Argentina moved inexorably towards the new political formation that the old partisan identities, would become obsolete quickly, concepts which, judging by their behavior, is that President Kirchner took no issue any opinion on whether this is right or wrong, however, raised the new scenario that we "split" between center-left and center-right: What do the Peronist?

"... There will be no revolution, the end of utopia is, committed suicide ideology, and you do not know whether to laugh or mourn, seeing Trotsky on Wall Street to smoke the peace pipe ..." (J. Sabina)